Casa Quitapenas

Casa Quitapenas 3a Calle Poniente 6, Antigua Guatemala

Located a block away from Parque Central, next to Restaurante Saberico, this is a specialty home decor and gift shop with a unique variety of items inspired by the story of the worry dolls.

Guest Reviews:
Our shop is based on the story of the worry dolls (quitapenas in Spanish) which are small dolls made to solve any problem you could worry about. The legend says that when you put this puppet under your pillow and tell it your worries, it will absorb those worries while you sleep. While our products were in their design phase, we took into mind this story and included it into the products. All of our products have something to tell about our country Guatemala, which we are very proud of.Loca
Casa Quitapenas
Opening Hours
Daily 9am -7pm
Days Closed
Social Media