Hotel Atitlán Sunset

Hotel Atitlán

Hotel Atitlan PRXM+6Q Panajachel, Guatemala

Be captivated by stunningly beautiful sunsets while dining and enjoying cocktails at Hotel Atitlán Restaurant and Volcanoes Bar. Experience casual sophistication, cocktails, and world-class cuisine.

Guest Reviews

High end, absolutely beautiful hotel on Lake Atitlán. They have a wonderful garden, many birds and a great kitchen. The staff are amazing. Almost the entire staff speak English. Large pool that overlooks the lake. Rates change frequently check the web page for booking. Highly recommend.” -Enprize

Opening Hours
Restaurant open 7 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Volcanoes Bar open 8 A.M. to midnight or later upon request
Days Closed
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